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Ntombizodwa N - Tutor in Secunda

My name is Zodwa and I stay in Secunda Mpumalanga. I obtained my Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering at Witwatersrand University. I have been tutoring at Wits since my second year (2016) until my final year (2018) for the Res life tutoring program. I believe that mathematics is not about numbers, equation, computation or algorithm but it's about understand and the rest is history. I have absolute passion in mathematics from my high school life throughout varsity and even now. I'm so eager to share that with the you, so come with me and explore the world of mathematics.

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Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Ntombizodwa will travel 50km from Secunda, Secunda, Mpumalanga, South Africa

Languages spoken

Ntombizodwa speaks Zulu, English, and Xhosa

2016-03-05 - 2018-11-25
Maths tutor

I use to tutor engineering mathematics to first years every Sunday from half past 7 until half past nine in the evening.

2014-02-10 - 2019-03-28
BSc in Chemical Engineering - University of Witwatersrand

During my four years at wits I studied engineering mathematics which broaden my understanding in mathematics

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I am the best tutor for mathematics because I am passionate about it, I enjoy teaching people mathematics and I don't see it as work, I see it as a hobby. Which is something I can do anytime and anywhere. I use to enjoy making my former classmates understand maths and the idea around any calculation being done or equation being used.

    Ntombizodwa teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)