tutor avatar

Kabelo T - Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. E. 5

Hi, this is Kabelo from Vanderbijlpark. I have obtained a B-Tech degree from the Vaal University of Technology and I handle information technology subjects such as programming (SQL, Java, C#, HTML, vb.net) and information systems. I have 3 years of tutoring experience at the university and would like to share my knowledge with everyone who needs it.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Online

Travelling distance

Kabelo will travel 50km from Vanderbijlpark C. E. 5, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kabelo speaks English and Tswana

2016-01-04 - 2018-03-09
Web Administrator

• Frequently updating the university web content as per requirements gathered. • Assisted in redesigning of the layout, navigation and the look and feel of the university website. • Ability to work with stakeholders and complete given tasks • Assisted in creating an electronic newsletter to help with sending out university news articles.

2018-03-19 - 2020-12-31
Junior Lecturer

I handle the following subjects: - Computer literacy (Prepare and deliver lectures on MS Office products (Access, Word, Excel) and computer programming) - Information Systems - Development software (Visual Basic, Java, HTML, PHP & SQL)

2012-02-06 - 2016-09-06
B-Tech Information Technology - VUT

Subjects taught
  • Java

    I have developed a standalone application using java and SQL. With this, I have applied the programming skills that I am able to share with anyone and help them understand the basics to the advanced aspects of Java.

    Kabelo teaches Java at University/College level(s)

  • Computer Programming

    I have interest in several programming languages which I have used to develop applications. I spread my programming skills and knowledge across programming languages, helping anyone understand the logic that needs to be applied when developing any computer program.

    Kabelo teaches Computer Programming at University/College level(s)