tutor avatar

Roan H - Tutor in Leeuwpoort 113-Ir

I am an energetic, passionate educator. I have been teaching grade 7 - 12 for 10 years. My fields of speciality are Afrikaans, English, Tourism and Geography. I enjoy sports and music. Let the teaching begin!!!

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Roan will travel 30km from Leeuwpoort 113-Ir, Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Roan speaks Afrikaans and English

2010-09-06 -

Currently teaching Tourism at Balmoral college.

2008-04-01 - 2010-09-06
Student teacher

I was an assistant to the HOD for Afrikaans

2013-01-01 - 2016-09-09

My majors were Geography and Afrikaans for SNR and FET phase

Subjects taught
  • Geography

    Geography was one of my majors at university level. It flows well with tourism which is why I teach both. Its allows us to comprehend how these fassets are linked. Lets jump in, discuss geomorphology or mapwork and enjoy the content with me.

    Roan teaches Geography at High School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    Aangesien afrikaans my huistaal is, kan ek gemaklik kommunikeer met ander. Dit beteken ook dat ek alle grade kan bystaan met die bevordering van hul kommunikasie vermoe in afrikaans. Ek beskik ook oor n magdom addisionele hulpbronne vir die vak.

    Roan teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Tourism

    I have been achieving top marks and distinctions in the tourism field for 8 years. My knowledge of icons, time zones, forex, sustainable and responsible tourism is vast. I understand the content for CAPS based education.

    Roan teaches Tourism at High School level(s)