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Dylan W - Tutor in Randhart

My name is Dylan Wiese. I am a Bachelor of Education graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand, my majors include; English, Visual Art and South African Sign Language. I have teaching experience in various subjects from grade 8 — 12. I am a passionate, hard-working and self motivated individual and I strive to ensure that I go the extra mile, with whatever I am doing to ensure that the best interests of those around me are prioritised. I believe I am innovative and I can easily adapt to strenuous situations, I take pride in my creativity and wish to educate children on the importance of self-worth and self-realisation. I would define myself as someone who is a creative, compassionate and enthusiastic individual who has an adventurous nature.

Tutor basics
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Languages spoken

Dylan speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-01-01 - 2020-07-01
English Teacher

2015-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Bachelor of Education - WITS University

I am a Bachelor of Education graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand, my majors include; English, Visual Art and South African Sign Language.

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am a passionate, hard-working and self motivated individual and I strive to ensure that I go the extra mile, with whatever I am doing to ensure that the best interests of those around me are prioritised. I believe I am innovative and I can easily adapt to strenuous situations, while Afrikaans is not my major i am confident in my ability to tutor this subject.

    Dylan teaches Afrikaans at High School level(s)

  • English

    I am a Bachelor of Education graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand, my majors include English. I am a passionate, hard-working and self motivated individual and I strive to ensure that I go the extra mile, with whatever I am doing to ensure that the best interests of those around me are prioritised. I believe I am innovative and I can easily adapt to strenuous situations.

    Dylan teaches English at High School level(s)