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Lucinda D - Tutor in Knoppieslaagte 385-Jr

I'm passionate about the Afrikaans language. I love reading both Afrikaans and English books. Matilda, Harry Potter & Kringe in die bos are my favorite! I'm very patient and understanding and have a passion for helping people.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Public Place and Online

Travelling distance

Lucinda will travel 50km from Knoppieslaagte 385-Jr, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Lucinda speaks Afrikaans and English

2011-01-11 - 2020-07-14
Structural Draughtsman

As a Structural Detailer, I receive a drawing from an Engineer or Architect of a Structural Building or Tower or Bridge etc. I have to draw that structure in my program with all the connections like the bolts and welds and cut-outs. From that model I have to produce Fabrication drawings for a workshop to manufacture the Steel components and also Drawings for the Construction Site to assemble all the components into a building.

2009-01-12 - 2010-12-10
National Diploma - DSE School of Draughting

I studied for a Structural Steel Detailer/Draughtsman for 2 years and has ever since been working on Tekla Structures which is a Steel Detailing program.

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I love the Afrikaans language and how it is still developing. I enjoyed this subject the most in school and is hoping to make it fun for other people as well. I have a great passion for Afrikaans and I think if you know the history of how a certain word came to an existence, you would also enjoy learning the language more and would have a better understanding of the spelling and everything.

    Lucinda teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)