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Ulutho K - Tutor in Highgate

My name is Ulutho Kobese. I am from the Eastern Cape. I am currently studying Behavioural Genetics, doing my final year. I am a co-founder of Sisi and Me Foundation, a mentorship program.The Foundation is a mentorship program for young girls that come from disadvantaged backgrounds. I am passionate about education.I am passionate about bringing satisfactory results to the students through education. As I understand that education is the foundation that needs builds your successful journey in life. And I understand that each student requires patience when it comes to education because I don't only teach you what's in the book, I go the extra mile to visualize it for you, to put it into simple terms that you can understand. I believe that effective education happens through communication. And as a tutor, I would try and find the root of the problem. My main focus is you and your success in education.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Ulutho will travel 10km from Highgate, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Ulutho speaks English and Xhosa


2016-02-08 - 2021-02-01
BSc Behavioural Genetics - University of Fre State

I am a final undergrad student in BSc Behavioural Genetics. Which consists of Majors of Genetics and Pyschology.

Subjects taught
  • Biology

    I am an undergrad student in Behavioural Genetics and ever since High School, my favourite module is Biology. Biology is personal, it's relevant and always evolving and one of the most exciting modules ever. With the knowledge acquired, biology can be broad and narrowed down so the pupil understands it clearly. At times, when we learn, we learn on what's given and no further explanation is given nor a scenario thus leaving a student perplexed in the module. I am the best tutor for this subject because I use different approaches when it comes to education. And I make biology personal. Because I understand that each individual is unique and that they grasp information differently. I go an extra mile as to try and create a simple method if none of the other approaches work. I am patient, goal driven and making sure that my pupil reaches satisfactory results. The main aim is to improve their marks but also make sure that they understand the work. I am advocate for education and good communicator.

    Ulutho teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)