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Jennifer R - Tutor in Montgomery Park

I am a very patient tutor and am able to explain maths concepts at whatever level required. I like to break things down so that you'll really grasp the basics and get a full understanding of what you are studying. I have extensive experience tutoring maths while studying for a degree in mathematics (mostly one-on-one but also in a study centre) along with around 16 years within the finance/consulting space mostly within Market Risk. I have taken a sabbatical and was wanting to get back to my first love of mathematics!

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Languages spoken

Jennifer speaks English

I completed an Honours degree in Mathematics in 2001. I tutored maths while studying for a degree in mathematics (mostly one-on-one but also in a study centre). I then spent around 16 years within the finance/consulting space mostly within Market Risk.
1997 - 2001
BSc Hons Mathematics - University of the Witwatersrand

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and am able to convey these in a way that is understandable for all students regardless of where they are in their maths journey. I am very patient and am able to gauge what level the student is at and how best to explain the subject matter required.

    Jennifer teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)