tutor avatar

Palesa M - Tutor in Sebokeng Unit 13

Looking at skills set, interpersonal skills...I am able to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. Furthermore, I am well able to listen and speak effectively, thus also encompassing the ability to control and manage my emotions, with well groomed leadership skills. I have extensive and quite varied work experience, each of which have come to play a rather valuable role in shaping and moulding my choices and preferences. Having worked with people from different backgrounds and from almost all the corners of the earth...has proven to be a cornerstone in my pursuit towards continuous development in my chosen field of study.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Palesa will travel 100km from Sebokeng Unit 13, Sebokeng, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Palesa speaks Zulu, English, and Southern Sotho

I have extensive and quite varied work experience, each of which have come to play a rather valuable role in shaping and molding my choices and preferences. Having worked with people from different backgrounds and from almost all the corners of the earth...has proven to be a cornerstone in my pursuit towards continuous development in my chosen field of study. I am an organized, determined and needless to say...quite curious individual. My main objective is to not only excel in both psychology and sociology, but to effortlessly merge the two majors, thus becoming exceptional in the desired field. I aim to expand both my theory and practice in the Industrial sociology field, and take on any opportunity presented in doing just that. Looking at skills set, interpersonal skills...I am able to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. Furthermore, I am well able to listen and speak effectively, thus also encompassing the ability to control and manage my emotions, with well groomed leadership skills.
2013-01-01 - 2017-04-01
BSs Psychology and Sociology - Monash South Africa

Undergraduate BSc

2008-01-01 - 2012-12-01
Matric - Suiderlig High school

Pass with Bachelors accrediation

Subjects taught
  • English as a foreign Language

    I have extensive experience teaching the subject and I'm an accredited TEFL teacher. Having worked with different, from different backgrounds, locations and of different ages...has equipped with the skills required to excel in teaching the subject.

    Palesa teaches English as a foreign Language at Adult level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I have extensive experience, having done well in the subject throughout my schooling years. I also believe that having taught the subject as a foreign language has thus expanded my knowledge and and comprehension of the subject.

    Palesa teaches English Language and Literature at Primary School level(s)