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Matthew E - Tutor in Sharonlea

Matthew has an MSc degree in Environmental Science and has over 5 years of tutoring experience at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Matthew's other academic achievements include a Cum Laude pass during his honours year, winning the award for top student in his undergraduate cohort. His tutoring experience includes subjects such as Maths, Life Sciences, Chemistry, English, Geography, Business studies and Environmental Science. The highlights of Matthew's tutoring experience include that his students saw exceptional increases in pass rates and those earning distinctions.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Languages spoken

Matthew speaks English

2014-01-01 - 2019-04-30
Tutor/Supplementary instructor

Employer UKZN - WESTVILLE Dates 2014 - 2018 Experience type Supplementary Instruction tutor and lecturers assistant Reference R O’Hara and Dr. B Varghese (SI); Dr. M Gebreslasie (Practicals) Duties, Responsibilities and general information  Developed tertiary educational plans and materials (including notes, lectures, online learning platforms and practical demonstrations).  Executed tutorial/SI sessions.  Achieved exceptional increases in student passes and marks in four different modules.  Executed, lead and developed practical sessions for eight different university modules from undergrad to postgrad level.

2017-01-01 - 2018-12-31
MSc Environmental Scinece - UKZN

Subjects taught
  • Geography

    I was the top student of the UKZN geography cohort in 2015. My masters, honours and BSc degree were all majoring in geography. I have also achieved a 89% pass for Geography in matric. I am exceptionally passionate about the subject and am able to directly translate this passion into a tutoring experience that is beneficial to my students

    Matthew teaches Geography at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)