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Lesha P - Tutor in Mackenzieville

I am a qualified librarian with 25 years of experience . I am currently an educator with 5 yrs experience. I am teaching Afrikaans to gr 8 and 9 learners. I enjoy challenges therefore I have ventured into the exciting field of education. Currently I am completing my honors in Educational Management. I enjoy learning and teaching and become highly frustrated if I am not leaning something new everyday.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Public Place and Online

Travelling distance

Lesha will travel 20km from Mackenzieville, Nigel, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Lesha speaks Afrikaans and English

Name of company: Ekurhuleni Metropolitan - Nigel (1990 – 2010) Address: Cnr Hendrik Verwoerd and 5th Ave, Nigel Position held: Librarian Main job functions: Counter duties, helping users with internet searches, assisting with finding information to complete assignments and school projects. Planning and implementing holiday programs. Cataloguing and classifying of new book. Media collection development. Assisted in the development of policies and procedure to enable the smooth running of the library. Dealt with publishes with regard to purchasing of books for the libraries. Involved in collection development. Marketing and promoting the library services to all schools in the area. Responsible for library orientation which was carried out for all crèches and schools in the area. Books selection according to user needs. Record keeping of the monthly statistics. Reason for leaving: At the time my job was not challenging and stimulating. I had completed my degree and wanted to put some of what I had learned into practice. I did not have the opportunity to do so. Name of company: UNISA (University of South Africa) Position held: Branch Librarian Address: Daveyton Main job functions: Manage relationships with users, manage information resources and equipment, train and educate clients for self sufficiency, provide access to clients, and perform searches. Experience on the usage of the following databases, LexisNexis, Jutastat, and Sabinet online. Reason for leaving: Contractual position Name of company: Dawnview High School Position held: Teacher / Librarian Address: Primrose, Germiston Main job functions: Establishing a fully functional school library, teaching grades 8 to 12 library skills and how to become information literate. Teaching Life Orientation for grade ten and eleven -10 classes. I am a certified Gauteng Online facilitator. Teach learners (Graded 8-12) basic computer skills and how to access information on the internet by empowering learners with search skills and techniques to find information in the quickest and easiest way so as to save time and money. I am also the Media centre coordinator. I am the facilitator of the forty tablets that the school has received. I give training to the teachers on how to use the tablet so that they are able to teach the learners. I am part of the schools LTSM committee and have been given the task of recording all textbooks that has been received on SASAMS. I am also tasked with the issuing of textbooks to the HOD’s of the different departments. Name of company: Alra Park Secondary Position held: Educator (current) Address: Alra Park, Nigel Main job functions: Teach six classes of grade eight learners Afrikaans (First additional Language). Responsible for all administrative duties of an educator.
1980 - 1984
Matriculation - Durban Indian Girls High School

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    Afrikaans is not my first language but I manage to teach Afrikaans to my learners. Most them come from homes where Afrikaans is the 3rd and 4th language. As a educator I obtain good marks from my learners. I enjoy the language and I am fluent in the language

    Lesha teaches Afrikaans at High School level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I am an avid reader and enjoy the English language. I have passed English at university to the 3rd year level I enjoyed the course and obtained good marks. Learners enjoy and are attentive to my approach of teaching Afrikaans because I understand that Afrikaans is not their first language.

    Lesha teaches English Language and Literature at High School level(s)