48yr old It lecturer with excellent Excel, Maths and language skills. I work in the I.T. services business and regularly help business solve complex spreadsheet and financial problems. I also assist colleagues with building Maths modals to assist in planning and strategising trends
Andre speaks Afrikaans and English
Supported large corporate clients server and exchange environments. Taught junior engineers the systems and environments
Technical classroom led Microsoft technical and end user training on Office, Server, Exchange and Active Directory
15 years lecturing experience as well as havi g real world examples and experience. I also have a child in grd 8 and grd 4, both of whom I help with Maths homework and understanding the curriculum. I create tests and teach them material over and above the prescribed material from their schools.
Andre teaches Mathematics at High School and Primary School level(s)
I have an MCSE, MCSA, MCITP and MCT from Microsoft. I work with SQL, Exchange, O365, Azure and Windows Server 2012 and 2016 everyday. I have over 10 years experience supporting and running large client environments
Andre teaches Computer Engineering at Adult level(s)