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Abigail R - Tutor in Lyttelton Manor

I am a first year Chiropractic student at the University of Johannesburg. I've always had a love of learning and the pursuit of knowledge and would love to transfer that love to other students. I am a hardworking, motivated person who's output driven and will give everything to help students achieve their best. I attended highschool at Highschool Centurion and completed my matric in 2019 with 5 distinctions. In highschool I had the following subjects: Afrikaans HL, English FAL, Mathematics, Life Science, Physical Science, Consumerstudies, Life Orientatoin and ALPHA Mathematics. I'm free over weekends and during holidays in the Pretoria area. During week days I can be found in the Linden, Johannesburg area.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Abigail will travel 20km from Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Abigail speaks Afrikaans and English


2020-02-10 - 2025-12-31
Busy with first year Bsc Chiropractic - University of Johannesburg

I'm currently studying at the University of Johannesburg as a first year to become a Chiropractor.

2015-01-13 - 2019-12-09
NSC Matric - Hoërskool Centurion

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I have patience and love for the subject and teaching it. I have previous experience of informal tutoring in the subject. Mathematics is a complex subject, which can be difficult to grasp for many students. It is my goal to find interesting and new ways to help students understand the fundamentals and therefore the more complex theories of the subject.

    Abigail teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    I loved having this subject althoughout my school experience, that being said I understand that some concepts can be difficult and complicated and thus difficult to grasp. I am also currently taking Biology at university level and believe this will help me to better explain the principles and functions of different biological processes.

    Abigail teaches Natural Sciences at High School level(s)