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Shyleen H - Tutor in Stellenbosch Central

My name is Shyleen Hadzoi, a goal getter lady.I love what i studied at Stellenbosch University. I am accustomed to being around both teenagers and adults. Having a lot of people who invested in me, inreturn i also desire to invest my goal oriented talent to learners at most, so they can discover their full potential in pursuing whatever they desire in life. I excelled at most of my varied hobbies which even today keeps me going with my head up and believe in making it in life nomatter the circumstances.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Shyleen will travel 10km from Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Shyleen speaks English, Xhosa, and Ndebele


2014-01-27 - 2016-12-07
BA(Development and Environmental Studies) - Stellenbosch University

Subjects taught
  • English Language and Literature

    Since high school I attained good results, was good in public speaking. I believe in myself as the best outspoken lady with all the attributes needed to help learners to achieve their desired goals. I am a good listener too, i do not rush things but thoroughly engage with every learner till they get full understanding and increase their confidence

    Shyleen teaches English Language and Literature at University/College level(s)