tutor avatar

Ilze v - Tutor in Doornpoort

I am a passionate female who loves working with and helping others. Knowing and seeing how people grow and become confidant, is one of the most rewarding things one could ask for. I am here to help you!!!

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home and Online

Travelling distance

Ilze will travel 40km from Doornpoort, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Ilze speaks Afrikaans and English

2011-05-17 - 2020-03-10

2010-01-02 - 2010-11-30

2006-01-01 - 2010-11-30
BA Psychology - NMMU

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am a first language Afrikaans speaking female, 33 years of age, so fully confidant in teaching someone else this language, whether it is their first or second language, young or old. I have a passion for people and seeing them prosper.

    Ilze teaches Afrikaans at Primary School level(s)

  • Reading

    Studied foundation phase through UNISA and have always wanted to teach kids and help them in an ever changing environment. I have a passion for children and helping them grow. Being able to read is the foundation for their future.

    Ilze teaches Reading at Primary School level(s)