tutor avatar

Denise d - Tutor in Die Hoewes

I am currently a student trying to better myself. Hoping to help someone else reach their own goals in life as well. I am a very energetic person who loves to help. If you don't understand something we will figure it out together, there is always a way.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home and Students Home

Travelling distance

Denise will travel 15km from Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Denise speaks Afrikaans and English

I graduated metric with an average of 70%, placing in my schools Top 10. I worked as a Receptionist at a brokerage for a year where I had admin duties as well as helping with Insurance proposals, while acting as a PA to 3 bosses. Now I am a student studying to better myself.
2012-01-01 - 2016-12-31
Metric - Gelofte

Subjects taught
  • Biology

    I achieved A mark of 74% when I was in high school in metric. I love being able to share my knowledge and passion for Biology and I believe anyone can achieve a great mark with the right help. I am currently a student myself trying to better myself and I want to be someone who can help others to do the same.

    Denise teaches Biology at High School level(s)

  • English

    I achieved a mark of 81% when I was in metric for English. It's never hard when you have someone who knows how to explain it to you. Sharing my knowledge is a gift and I hope to be able to share with others.

    Denise teaches English at High School level(s)