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Deslyn M - Tutor in West Coast Peninsula

I'm a hard worker willing to listening and determine the optimal learning style to assist with better outcomes. I am a facilitator/ ETD practitioner. I have studied at the University if Stellenbosch and specialise in Psychology,English, Law and Sociology.

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Languages spoken

Deslyn speaks Afrikaans and English

Experience / Education
Studies include BMil degree in Human and Organisational Development. Currently a third year Social Work student. I am currently working for the SANDF for the last 14 years as a military practitioner, positions include Admin officer, Research and Accreditation Officer,Adjutant (Legal advisor).
Subjects taught
  • English Language and Literature

    I have completed complete English modules in both degrees. My home language is English and it is compulsory at my workplace to speech English as a communication medium. I am a facilitator /ETD practitioner. I also do research and observe before taken on a new project.

    Deslyn teaches English Language and Literature at High School and Primary School level(s)