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Natsai S - Tutor in Labiance

I am a 21 year old girl. I was studying mechanical engineering at the University of Pretoria but I had to take a gap year due to financial reasons. I am planning on tutoring so that I can raise money for my tuition fees.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Public Place

Travelling distance

Natsai will travel 100km from Labiance, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Natsai speaks English and Southern Sotho

2018-2019 studied mechanical engineering at the University of Pretoria
2018-02-01 - 2019-11-30
Beng Mechanical engineering (not completed) - University of pretoria

I have completed 2 years at the University of Pretoria but I am taking a gap year due to financial reasons

Subjects taught
  • Biology

    I really have a love for the human body and I have great ways that help me remember information and I can teach that to students. These methods should help the child retain the information that I am teaching them.

    Natsai teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Physics

    I love to know how things work and I have a great understanding of that so I can easily explain things to children which were hard for them to understand before. This should help them improve their marks since they'll have a better understanding of the subject.

    Natsai teaches Physics at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    I have a great understanding of this subject which makes it easy for me to teach it to someone else. My methods will help the child remember what I am teaching them and that can improve their marks at school.

    Natsai teaches Natural Sciences at High School level(s)