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Tamara A - Tutor in Tuscany Glen

Hi! My name is Tamara and I am currently studying Bachelor of business administration! I enjoy Mathematics and have amazing study skills and tips to share. I believe that hardwork is key and Practise,Practise. I am willing to help you with your study timetable and organisation hacks to ace the academic year.

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Languages spoken

Tamara speaks English

2019-06-03 - 2019-11-29

2011-01-10 - 2016-01-01
National Senior certificate - Bergvliet High School

Subjects taught
  • Linear Algebra

    I enjoy algebra. I studied Physical science so understand how algebra is applied to real life problems. I believe everyone can learn to understand mathematics. I have a creative approach to teaching mathematics and believe that practise is key.

    Tamara teaches Linear Algebra at High School level(s)