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Sipho M - Tutor in Braampark

My name is Sipho Mosola. I started teaching the adults in my community how to read and write in their mother. I have also been the facilitator of IsiZulu in a primary school in KwazuluNatal. I a currently doing my second year in my teaching degree at Wits University.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Sipho will travel 20km from Braampark, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Sipho speaks Zulu, English, Xhosa, and Southern Sotho

2007-08-27 - 2008-10-31
Zulu Facilitator

Teaching adults people how to read and write in their mother tongue especially in IsiZulu.

2016-01-15 - 2017-03-17
Zulu Facilitator

Facilitating students how to read and write in IsiZulu from grade 3 to grade 7.The students learnt this literacy as a second language.

2017-05-01 - 2018-12-26
Financial Advisor

Assessing the client's financial needs and advise them on the policy they should take under Old Mutual.

2019-02-04 - 2022-12-13
Bachelor of Education - Wits University

I am specialising in English and Life Orientation. Zulu is my mother tongue and I have attended several workshops on how to facilitate it while I was working for department of education.

2014-05-02 - 2015-06-26
NQF L3 Building and Civil Construction - Umfolozi tvet

Dealing with civil construction.

Subjects taught
  • Zulu

    This is my mother tongue language. I have taught the adults and the school children the basic numeracy and literacy skills. I am now completing my teaching degree at Wits University. During my tenure as an adult basic education and training, I learnt most of the required skills when presenting language lessons. These have been developed further as I am currently a novice teacher. I was further promoted during my tenure as an adult basic educator. I appointed as a Supervisor there by leading a group of ten facilitators who I had to check on regular basis and respond to challenges he/she may be facing.

    Sipho teaches Zulu at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)