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Chloe W - Tutor in Cape Town

I recently graduated from the University of Cape Town with a degree in chemical engineering. I love maths, chemistry and biology and would like to share my passion with my students while helping them reach their full potential

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Chloe will travel 20km within Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Chloe speaks English

2016-2019 BSc chemical engineering
2016-02-10 - 2019-11-15
BSc Chemical engineering - UCT

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I received a maths mark of 88% in matric and since starting university have achieved marks for engineering maths in the 80s as well. I understand what it is like to struggle with maths but how valuable a good teacher can be in helping you understand and excel.

    Chloe teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)