tutor avatar

John E - Tutor in Menlo Park

I am an Engineering student at the university of Pretoria with a passion for helping students to not only understand their work but to find a way to enjoy it. I have taught in China and have lots of experience working with kids. I hope to hear from you soon.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

John will travel 15km from Menlo Park, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

John speaks English

TEFL Teacher

I taught English as a foreign language in Xian, China to young students who had never been exposed to English

02/01/2016 - 07/01/2023
Beng Mechsanical Engineering - University of Pretoria

I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the university of Pretoria, when I graduate I will have a bachelor of engineering degree in Mechanical engineering, i currently have 3,5 years left of study

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I have completed first year Calculus for Engineering and I am busy completing second year. I have my matric in Mathematics and enjoy teaching maths and problem solving. I believe that everyone is capable of achieving in Maths if it is explained in such a way that they will understand

    John teaches Mathematics at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Physical Science

    I am an Engineering student and i have a passion for physics and its consistent presence in the universe around us. I enjoy a challenge Physics provides lots of opportunity to learn and grow our understanding

    John teaches Physical Science at High School level(s)