My Name is Thamsanqa Mncwabe. I have a Bachelor of Social Science degree from UKZN. Furthermore, I have a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, majoring in English in English (senior phase) and Life Orientation (FET phase). I like learning new things. I like meeting new people I am bilingual, fluent in both English and IsiZulu.
Thamsanqa Tyson speaks English
Taught English-grade 8 and Geography-grade 10. I prepared lesson plans and excecuted them. I instructed through various teaching methods as suggested in the learning themes. I adapted teaching methods according to instruction materials to meet learning needs, even though I did not have a technical knowledge at the time. I prepared Tests and examinations. I observed learners' performance and gave necessary feedback.
Post Graduate Certificate in Education. Major subjects are English-Senior Phase and Life Orientation-FET Phase
Humanities faculty. Majored in Psychology, Sociolo and Rural Resource Management.
I like reading books. I am constantly reading. Apart from having completed my PGCE with English as one of the majors, I think I have grown knowledge in terms of understanding literature. I am familiar with different strategies and perspectives regarding it. Thanks to PGCE, I am now farmiliar with different strategies to unpack it in such a way that it is accessible to the student.
Thamsanqa Tyson teaches English Language and Literature at High School level(s)