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hlengiwe d - Tutor in Imbali

Iam Hlengiwe Dhlakafu from Pietermaritzburg at Imbali .I've got 9 years teaching experience and I love working with kids .I'm very friendly and easy to communicate with.I encourage and motivate learners to always excel on success .Learners should never doubt themselves they must understand that you need to work hard to be what you want to be one day.I understand the struggle of not passing a subject because you need someone to help you. My aim is to improve your skills in learning and passed your subjects.I'm specialising in Geography; Zulu ; English ;Social Sciences ;Botany and tourism in customer service.I can also help with basic ICT skills.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

hlengiwe will travel 5km from Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

hlengiwe speaks Zulu and English

National Diploma: Information Technology (2005-2007) BED: Seniir and FET at UNISA (2010-2018) Working for Department of Education :Position :Geography teacher 9 years experience
2005-01-03 - 2007-11-28
Information Technology - Oval International Computer Education

Application Development Networking and communication.Network++; Programming ; commercial programming; Web page Design ; Ms office; Advanced Design in IT.

2010-06-01 - 2018-11-19
BED( Senior and FET) - University of South Africa

Teaching Themes Major subject Geography; English; Social Sciences ; Isizulu ;Botany; and Customer service in tourism

Subjects taught
  • Geography

    Geography include spatial features which surround us.Its very easy for a learner to pass geography since its about people;environment ; economy and natural hazards .Geography is not a difficult subjects its just that learners got confused when they have face a question paper.But learners need to understand simple ways and have skills of how to master geography.Every one could get distinctions in Geography but provided having good understanding of learning area

    hlengiwe teaches Geography at High School level(s)

  • Zulu

    I understand the language difficulties and Zulu is mother tongue and some learners are still struggling to pass their mother tongue.Practice language everyday help learners ; creating own study time abd read zulu newspapers and if there is any word that you dont understand try to find a meaning by help of others.

    hlengiwe teaches Zulu at High School level(s)