tutor avatar

Vianey V - Tutor in Sunninghill

I am a creative linguist with a strong passion for education and constant learning. I hold a BA in Hispanic Language and Literature and an MA in Hispanic Linguistics from Mexico (my home country). In addition, I earned an MSc in Theoretical Linguistics from Canada (my second home). I have been teaching Spanish as a Second Language as well as specific topics in Hispanic Linguistics and Literature for over 15years. My teaching approach is to view language as a social activity with special attention on the language use. I have taught different groups of people in different environments: from curricular university courses with young students to more relaxed classes in private language schools with middle-aged and senior students. In addition, I have offered tailor-made private lessons to professionals and public servants of various ages and levels of proficiency in Spanish.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Vianey will travel 15km from Sunninghill, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Vianey speaks Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English

I hold a BA in Hispanic Language and Literature and an MA in Hispanic Linguistics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The topic of my theses for both degrees was the acquisition of Spanish. In addition, I earned an MSc in Theoretical Linguistics from the University of Alberta, Canada. My research in this program dealt with the acquisition and documentation of Mexican indigenous languages. I have lived and worked as a Spanish tutor in different countries (Mexico, Canada, Mozambique, South Africa).
2007-01-01 - 2009-01-01
MSc in Linguistics - University of Alberta

Earned a Master of Science degree in Linguistics. Studied theoretical linguistics and taught various topics of Spanish grammar and Spanish as a Second Language at an undergraduate level.

Subjects taught
  • Spanish

    I am passionate about teaching and I truly enjoy it. I am a native Spanish speaker with a strong academic basis (two degrees in linguistics), and I have vast experience teaching languages (more than 15 years).

    Vianey teaches Spanish at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)